Ode To The Toilet

by Raychil   Aug 17, 2006

Here's an ode to something special
That we take advantage of everyday
And yet we never see how special
It is in its own way

An ode to the porcelain god
With our thanks we don't even spoil it
Though its the stool of great ideas
If you haven't guessed, its the toilet

Your toilet is there through it all
It grants you a place to think
It lets you borrow its great wisdom
Even though you make it stink

Think of how much time you spend
Sitting on its ceramic bowl
Without once even turning around
To thank it for a solution to your goal

Or how about when you read
And use it up for hours
Sitting there in your own little world
Not acknowledging its powers

This object is sadly abused
And yet it gives and gives
But we still take advantage
Of the wise ways it lives

It does so much for you
You should be thankful for it
So next time you get a bright idea
Don't forget to thank your toilet.

*This is from a joke my friends and I had...plus I was bored haha.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Isabelle

    Hahahah that was funny!

    Could you look at mine? Maybe?

  • 18 years ago

    by ~SeXaY SaRaH~

    Hahaha I love it.. check out my poems plez :P

  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni

    Hahaha wow that was soo funny. I had to keep myself from laughing out loud in a room full of people! Keep up the good work, I'll read more of your poetry.

  • 18 years ago

    by LipstickLullabies

    Hahhaha next time i'll remember to say 'thank you' !!!

  • 18 years ago

    by TeenXLoveXTragedy

    Awesome poem!! it was really funny..cant forget the toilets:) great job, keep it up