She needs a hug (so she says)

by catdogbilly   Aug 18, 2006

She needs a hug yeah right. shes the one that has stuff my life. it feels like she used a knife. she took out my hart no longer things look bight. nor do they feel right.
i found out tonight how much how all my Friends where right.
now i feel like a fool and its all thanks to you. you need hug you need more than a hug you need a slug. its all thanks to you and no thanks to me if we had never meet how better thing could be for me.
i am not self petting me but i do wounder why you let me live that lie
thanks for what you did. you need a hug what about me you think only of you and not a thing about me now i feel like steeping in to the night looking for the light
so i can get free of you tonight


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