The curse of forbidden love

by Eve   Aug 19, 2006

Thank god for the few moments we had
when it was just the 2 of us
no one knew how we felt
they never saw the quick kisses
or the hidden hands
they never heard the few words said
it was only us
we knew we weren't aloud to be together
but nothing could change what we felt
or all the love we shared
it wasn't fair
that we had to hide it
you cant chose who you love
and if you could
you wouldn't
we were forced to live with it all
the fear we felt
knowing what we had to lose
knowing what would happen if someone found out
so we were forced to keep it a secret
never able to show our love
to be forever cursed
with our forbidden love


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  • 18 years ago

    by Dawn Ellis Cantrell

    This is a great poem. I have been in this same position. It hurts so much. Keep writing, I really enjoyed your style

  • 18 years ago

    by Shatter

    Awww :]]]