Comments : Both Sides Now

  • 21 years ago

    by Michelle

    I agree!!! Who's to know..but this is beautiful..are all of the lyrics from that and who sings it??? Would love to listen to IS I have said manya time, wish I had written it..thank you for posting it!! :) Luv Michelle

  • 21 years ago

    by Michelle

    hey!!!!! I was just commenting on your poem and it disappeared!!! Whats up with that...??? It was all so true..I esp. loved the last six lines or I am starting to think you sound like someone else I know..anyway, thank you for your comments, as always! and I changed that airplane line..not sure it's any better now!!! ummm...superman and clark kent? Nahh..stay don't want to be either of them..don't get me wrong, they are swell guys, but with Superman, Kryptonite is always lurking about, and with Clark..well that man...I don't know..a sweet man to be SURE...but let's just all be ourselves!!! Hahahha...Talk to you later..great poem, that last one you posted, by the way... :) Luv Michelle