
by Sinful Addiction   Aug 19, 2006

Is it all worth it
The overwhelming feelings
The pain and hate taking control
Wanting to push it all away
But never letting go
Keeping my guard up
Always the tough chick
Not wanting to let people in
Afraid they will tear me down
Taking what they want
Leaving me to bleed
Letting me die inside
Only giving my love to my heart
Being told I have so much to give
Yet keeping it locked up tight
Afraid to let lose
Afraid to fall and never get back up
What they don't see is
I want to give it all
Just never to the right people
I pick the bad ones
Let the good ones slip by
Showing my heart to the wolves
Then wonder why they tear me apart
I put myself out there to get hurt
Knowing it will make me cold inside
Hoping that each blow will make me stronger
Yet knowing it kills my pride
Wanting to be beat down
Yet wanting to be held high
Wanting to be needed
Yet unsure by whom or why
I keep my soul in the dark
Letting everyone pass by
Some stop and look to see what I am
Most move on with heads held high
Knowing they are better
As I sit in my dark corner and cry
Few stay to hold my hand
Telling me I'll be fine
That I have so much to offer
So much to give
What they see I do not know
But they help in their small way
They make me smile for a time
They see my love and my hate
They see it wash over me in waves
I enjoy what little peace of mind they give me
Even if it is for a short time
All I know is I feel empty inside
I need guidance to find my way
I need some help to find the real me
To be pulled from my dark corner
Make me hold my head high for the world to see
I need something to make me happy
Something to make me stable
I just need that help to make me come out of my shell
To make me be me.


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