A slow song

by Netta   Aug 19, 2006

A sad slow song is what I once listened to
But that song faded away and I met you
We looked in the same direction and locked eyes
The look on your face took me by surprise
I came up to you and asked you your name
You said that one word and asked me the same
I told you what it was and you turned green
I asked you what was wrong and you said I've heard your name in my dreams
So I walked with you along the street
And I listened to the steady thump of my heart beat
That slow song that I listened to wasn't for me
But I passed it on to some one else so you and me could be


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  • 18 years ago

    by Netta

    This is truly what happened and I love this poem

  • 18 years ago

    by TheRevelation

    I liked it good job