Ryan and Jane

by Wings Of Flames   Aug 20, 2006

++Before you read this poem I'd like you to know a few things: This is 5 minutes after I have found out my sister may die, she had a baby which may replace her from this world. thanks++

Upon the sheets of white,
Lays the child she has conceived,
The precious jewel beside her,
The innocence we believed,

She cradles him in her arms,
Now inside the material womb,
But there's nothing she can do,
Now she's fighting through the doom,

I'm shaking in the distance,
I want to hold her near,
The icy fakeness in my eyes,
With the smile I hold to fear,

'The pain is here,' She trembles,
In the quaking of night's kiss,
I feel her forehead coldest cold,
In lust of all this bliss,

I seek the kindness of your hearts,
Please pray for her tonight,
For baby Ryan he is so scared,
For Jane to see no light,

She is a mother bearing a gift,
She's a sister for our five,
She's the daughter and the wife,
Can you help me keep her alive?


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by Joshua Lee

    Sad and touching. I hope it went well.

  • 17 years ago

    by disturbed one

    Very good poem! i hope everything goes well with your family, mostly ur sister obviously but also everyone else.

    Good luck!

  • 17 years ago

    by Jamie Lorraine

    I love it. very well written and i hope everything goes good


  • 18 years ago

    by luna bella

    Great poems it's so sad i'm glad to hear your sister is getting better. i have 2 sisters and i would HATE if anything happened to them ....... even tough it's beenmonths since you've written this i will keep your family in my thoughts, best wishes

  • 18 years ago

    by Amberinaa

    Im sorry to hear about
    your sister.
    I hope everything works out.
    Becautiful poem by the way,
    gave me chills.
