
by TRAGiC BEAUTY   Aug 21, 2006

Don't be so hard on him
He's doing the best he can do
He's doing all he can
To try and protect you

He's living a life that's hard
Never being alone
Never being able to kick his feet up
And watch the TV at home

He has a pretty tough job
Trying to protect everyone
All work and no play
He has no time for fun

Give him a break
He's doing pretty good
Instead of having a normal life
Like he thought he would

He's got a good country
Pretty successful
Don't you think running a country
Would be pretty stressful


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  • 17 years ago

    by geeeeee

    I agree with Lauren. I thought this poem was great but I totally disagree with the message too. No one forced him to become president and even if running a country is highly stressful that doesnt make up for the amount of people that have died because of him. Im sorry if this sounded harsh = [
    My apologies

  • 17 years ago

    by Lauren Waszkiewicz

    Hey although i completely disagree with the message of this poem, it was well written. good job. just wondering though- do u still feel this way?