Dear _______,
ii'm sorri that ii wasn't good enough for u.
even thou thiis iis the best ii can be.
ii'm sorry ii have problems.
ii'm not perfect, please don't hate me.
ii'm sorri ii gave u my love.
ii guess u don't want iit.
ii'm sorri u tore my ♥ out
&& ripped iit 2 piieces.
ii'm sorri u broke my ♥
the sharp piieces must have cut u some how.
ii'm sorri ii kared about u so much.
when u forgot all about me.
ii guess u were too buzy kariing about someone else.
ii'm sorri for puttiing u throu everythiing && iit came out to nothiing.
ii'm sorri for cryiing my ii's out when u were too buzy hatiing me.
ii'm sorri
ii'm sorri that u had to meet me
&& suffered throu my unwanted love.
ii'm really very sorri.
thiis iis dediicated to my fiirst love darren riigsby. ii just wiish he would understand && stop playiing games