Divine Suicide In Oz

by Corey   Aug 21, 2006

"Ha-ha-ha Ho-ho-ho
And a couple of tra-la-las
That's how we laugh the day away
In the very Old Land of Oz"

Sitting, standing, waiting
My life has turned to dust
Hollow, empty meaningless
The parts are full of rust

The candle's flame is finally out
And the world shall praise in joy
That the bane of my existence
Lost another decoy

The escape route has been closed
And now I'm surely trapped
And the blood I used to bear
Out of me has been sapped

But if truth there should be told
I couldn't care much more
I deserve what I've been given
Damned from breaking lore

I have always been forsaken
And Oh! I know I strived
But what difference does it make?
When there's no will to have survived

A eulogy of broken souls
Not the first but not the last
And ending with the bloodline
Will help forgive the past

Retribution must be had
Punishment shall come
And reap me of my only self
Hearing Death's deadly hum

Confession I should make
Before I part this road
And apologize for what I've done
Before graves are my abode

I've lied, I've cheated with hate and scorn
And I've stolen everything
Where love there should have been
I left only an unanswered ring

And in a world such as this
Where all shall just decay
Cause no one understands
Cut the wrist, let the blood seep away

I hate what I've become
And there's seems to be no cure
What choices are now left?
When I've crucified all that's pure

And when everyone says stay strong
And that they know you'll make it through
There's nothing more say
But no I can't and I hate you

And maybe if I'm lucky
Maybe one or two will show
At my funeral procession
Where I'm covered beneath the snow

And there shall be no worries
For life goes on and on and on
Selecting victims one by one
And making sure they're gone

And now with suicide
I've committed the ultimate sin
But society continues with their laugh
When I've been recycled to the bin

"Ha-ha-ha Ho-ho-ho
And a couple of tra-la-las
That's how we laugh the day away
In the very Old Land of Oz"


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  • 18 years ago

    by mistressxsork

    This poem made me smile for some reason. Very deep.. lovely. Lovely as all. Added to my favorites. Good work, write more, so I'm not bored. K? 4.6/5

  • 18 years ago

    by $$$$$SHORTY$$$$$

    I like it. is good.

  • 18 years ago

    by Rhiannon

    Refreshing. Truly.