Reminding Me

by Corey   Aug 21, 2006

I've sat and watched the tide
On this sandy, lonely beach
The crashing of these waves
Keeping all things out of reach

I looked up from the ground
To the jagged, deadly rocks
And slowly began my climb
Time still upon all clocks

The stones cut through my flesh
Blood droplets fell to the floor
And with each and every step
I lost something I adore

But I continued my way upward
For the things that lay below
Were mere shadows of the past
Nothing that I need to know

My breathing began to hasten
As I lost all conscious thought
And my muscles began to falter
As I groped for each new spot

But to the top I finally came
And there I found my prize
A flower, oh so delicate
It brought tears upon my eyes

The flower held me fixed
For here it stood alone
So much like myself
Its loveliness unknown

I longed to care for it
This blood-red colored rose
The aurora of its presence
Healing all my weary woes

But as the sunset past
And the day turned into dark
My life began to seep away
The arrow found its mark

As I lay on the cold stone
All the memories flooded back
All the times I spent with you
All the things you know I lack

All the times we spent together
On that lonely, sandy shore
Each time I held you in my arms
And kissed you just once more

The beauty of your face
And the blushing of your cheeks
The times I spent with you
Above the clouds, atop the peaks

The way that you said yes
The way that you said no
The time you had to leave
How I hated you should go

And on my dying day
With the sunsets elegant hue
I've found that all the things I've seen
Have been reminding me of you


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Kaila

    Very creative
    good imagery
    nice vocabulary
    can you do anything wrong?
    nice work

  • 18 years ago

    by Erin

    Wow im speachless where did u get this talent ...... who aree u...hahah loved it xoxo Erin

  • 18 years ago

    by mistressxsork

    Emotion and depth stood out in this one. Depth in all of your poems, of course. Talented kid. Good work. 4.5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Allis MT

    This is an super awesome poem! my favorite like was when you said "the arrow found it's mark" a definite 5/5 because i can totally relate to this. This gave very good imagery too!!

    plz comment any of mine thakns!

    go socal!

  • 18 years ago

    by timehealsallwounds6

    This is an amazing poem i absoulty love it