Because of you

by Sweet lig   Aug 21, 2006

Because of you
My life has change in a very special ways
You make my moody heart to Completely happy
My very dark life you make it bright
Sometimes my life are more sadness Than happiness
But you came into my life touch my heart
And you cheer me up!
When i feel so down, you're trying to lift me up!
When i think of you i feel so bloom
You are like a stars sparkling my gloomy night

Because of you
I feel too much free and everything is alright!
Every weaknesses i had your my strength
I learned how to care every ones heart
And how to sacrifice for love
Acceptance and appreciation for me is very important
More especially faith, love and respect

Because of you
My life is floating with full of love
All my fears in life, i face it with out doubt
I feel so great and comfortable when i think about you
I'm really glad i meet you for a strange
To let you know your very special
I have to thank you a lot
Coz, you change me everything
And its all because of you.....

i love you with all of my heart!


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  • 17 years ago

    by Michelle18

    I like this one... you explained your emotions very well.. the flow was good and everything. 5/5 on this one.=]

  • 17 years ago

    by Beautiful Forever

    I love how you wrote this poem about the reasons why you're in love. Its a very good poem. The flow was nice, the concept was great, and it was worded beautifully! 5/5

  • This is a really good poem. Although, I think this line is missing a word:

    "You make my moody heart to Completely happy"

    I think it should be like this:

    "You make my heart turn completely happy"

    It's just a suggestion though. Other than that, it's pretty good.


  • Aw, this was such a sweet poem. It's a really great poem. 5/5

    <mOnStRiTo'S pRiNcEsS>

  • 17 years ago

    by Bryan

    I can tell u have experienced love before, it can be a good feeling or could be the worst one, this is a very very good poem, perfect grammer, 5/5!!!