Need help finding a title

by Melissa   Aug 22, 2006

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue.
I'm not sure how ive made it this far, without finding you.
Your eyes are so gorgeous, Beaming with intelligence and beauty,
Whenever I see u, alls i think is ur jus an all around cutie.

I know you have a huge decision that you alone much make,
But right now u have 2 choices, and i need to eliminate it to 1 that u must take,

When i talk to u i KNow my love for u cant be denied, because like uve told me once before.. Butterflies do not lie


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  • 18 years ago

    by Rowena Ravenclaw

    To me this poem does not make sense but well done.
    Sorry but I can't help you with the titles.