
by Rowena Ravenclaw   Aug 22, 2006

Death is an adventure

One after life

Life is one adventure

Many will win

Birth is the first

The beginning of all

Not every one survives

The next adventure

Not many will do

The rebirth of your soul

In a body you do not know

The final adventure

For the ones who do not

Do the rebirth

To choose whether

To leave a ghost

An imprint of a departed soul

Or not fear death

And go to the final resting place

Where evil ones do not go

Heaven the final of all

The one we all

Do not fear

For the evil ones

Hell they will go

To pay for their evil

For their dangerous sins

To regret what they done

But never begin


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  • 15 years ago

    by Wereallbladesarntwe

    I Like your style of writing Rowena
    i wouldnt read to much into peoples
    comments of spacing and such, words are there to be enjoyed,they are like mini tattoos,each one personal and individual and once spoken there for life, nice write xp

  • 15 years ago

    by Brad Quammen

    This was a pretty good poem though I am not the religious type. I didn't too much care for how you spaced each line. That made this a little hard to fully understand what was a new line or what was a continuation of a previous line. Other than that I liked it. 4/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Brad Quammen

    This was a very, to me, unique write indeed. The was you word this is awesome to say the least. I hope to see more like this in the future friend. 5/5 ^_~"

  • 16 years ago

    by Four Letter Lie

    Amazing poem. death shouldn't be feared.

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