Wake me up from this Nightmare...

by Cherry   Aug 22, 2006

We never think when the last day may come...
When all the love you once shared will be gone...
When the person you love has to say goodbye...
When you find the last tears crawling down your eye...

When you find yourself standing alone...
With a dramatic situation going on...
Everyone around you screaming in tears...
Making your heart increase with fears...
Wondering and thinking...Is this true...
Just yesterday the sky was all so blue...

Today it's a nightmare, deep and dark...
Give me a sign...just a little spark...
Please tell me this is a bad dream..
Before I wake up and start to scream...
It's awful...
I swear...
Wake me up...

When you find yourself standing alone...
With a dramatic situation going on...
Everyone around you screaming in tears...
Making your heart increase with fears...

You can't leave me now...
I beg you please...
Stay for a day so that I can say what's on my mind...
That you are my friend, my family, one of a kind...
I love you I swear, I really do...
Come back for one day, I miss you already, I do...


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  • 18 years ago

    by FrozenTearsBleed

    Aww =( this is a sad poem, but really good, 5/5! i loved it you have such a talent ^^ comment on mine sometime Id appreciate it greatly- Meg

    • 6 years ago

      by Cherry

      I'm working on a novel now.... WIll be published soon

  • 18 years ago

    by mistressxsork

    WOW. That was amazing. Wow.. that had so much emotion and depth. Nicely done. Hope to read more!

    -Jennifer. Overall Rating: 4.5/5

    • 6 years ago

      by Cherry

      Thank you for your positive feedback. Highly appreciated