Now your gone,
It hasn't been very fun,
Now your gone,
My life was done,
Looking at the sun,
Wishing I can go on a run,
Far away from this evil place,
Being scared seeing his face,
Now your gone there is no one to protect me,
I hide under the oak tree,
But he still finds me and pins me down,
While I cry and frown,
He has an evil grin,
Because he knows he will always win,
I suffocate and I can hardly breathe,
Screaming and telling him to leave,
But I look for you but your gone,
Like an old song,
Never to be played again,
I thought you were my friend,
I yell your name and I yell some more,
But than I fell down to the floor,
He hurts me and I just want to cry,
But if I do, I'm sure I will die,
He laughs and giggles while pulling out the knife,
Breathing the last air of my life,
Than he stabs me deep in my heart,
Where were you from the start?
I twitch and everything becomes so quiet,
Than I felt a cold red,
It was my blood splat all over the floor,
Than the man walks out of the door,
Now your gone and I'm lying lifeless waiting for your return,
But I felt a cold burn,
I try to get up and look around,
But all I can do is lye one the ground,
I try to scream your name but all I can do is breathe,
The man who did this had to leave,
I reach the door and my hand slammed to the knob,
I was looking for you Rob,
But you were gone far away,
Was this my last day,
The pain took a hold of me and I could no longer live,
Wishing you were here that's what I believed,
I try to call for help but all I do is dwell,
Looking around thinking it was hell,
But than I froze and I though I was done,
Looking for you but now you are gone.