The pain

by silence   Aug 23, 2006

To much going on
all coming down on me
when will it go away
is this where i need to be?

I need help
but nowhere to turn
No one understands me
so i should just burn

one moment of peace
away from the drama
if i don't rest soon
I'll fall into a coma

not to mention family
much more and I'll fall
into insanity

what else can happen
what else can i do?
i could hurt myself
then I'll be with you

you're up there watching
trying to help from above
you didn't have time
to help me with love

if you were here
you'd straighten things out
help me with my dad
and help me not to pout

You would tell me stories
of your younger days
and make me feel better
instead of this head of haze

someone took you away
but i need you here
for the rest of my life
I'll just have fear

what's the point
in a life of fear
never knowing
to let someone near

at anytime
they could leave
or be taken
and deceive

not sure how much longer
i can live with this
I'd rather be in a cold grave
for people to diss

somewhere i can't hear it
away from all the pain
but time with you
i could regain

the only person who understands
who's watched me grow
who never judged me
just played in the snow

growing up was so easy
but I've hit a brick wall
i just want to find a cliff
to jump and fall

i need some peace
and a break from this soon
I'll either go insane
or fly to the moon

no air to breath
no food to eat
just lots of stars
and rocks to beat

take all the aggression out
release all the anguish
pull the pain out of my heart
but myself i would punish

cuts and bruises
eventually go away
but the pain in my heart
is here to stay.


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  • 18 years ago

    by MC_Smurf

    Fair enough good job come omment mines to plz...