The tone of your voice holds me tight
Cutting my sight from any light
Do you understand what that tone does
How your words fade away to nightmarish buzz
Full of hatred, spite, and pain I can't touch
Yet I know it's not my fault as I fall to your clutch
I didn't hurt you
Yet you act like I did
Constantly it happens
Your past pops its lid
I do want to help you
But how can one snap
To a routine so new
Patience is what you're lacking
And with no support we're all cracking
We all have our issues
And these helping words we misuse
We fall to anger and insult
Our instinctive defaults
No humans are left
Just angry beasts
As I look over us
I prefer to be the least
My out stretched hand is there to aid
But I'm blind here
I'm more than just in shade
I want to be death
Away from these words
Even when aimed away from me
They're still slippery swords
Numb from their impact
Blind from their sight
Feeling only what's meant for me
Sounds like a delight
I'm here to help
But you must direct me
I am just your boat
And your problems are the sea