
by t. h a l l i d a y *   Aug 23, 2006

Another lousy day ends and another tear begins to fall
I walk into my room, I feel so worthless, and so small
I flop onto my bed, and into my pillow I start to cry
The pain that I feel hurts so much, I could die

All of a sudden I hear him, "Hello my name is Ray!
I wanna have fun with you, think of the games we could play!"
He runs across my skin, and I then start to bleed
"Ray what is this?" I ask."This is what you need."

I slowly start to feel better, "Hey Ray, you were right,
I love the way you release my pain, I'll play with you day and night!"
"My child, can I leave marks on you, to say you are truly my friend?
Hey, let's play a different game. I want you to play pretend!"

"When your not with me, put a smile on your face!
And when you come back, I'll give you a bloody embrace."
"Ray, I just don't know." I say "Come on, pretend is fun,
Now that you have let me help, from me, you cannot run."

"Ray, it won't stop bleeding, please Ray, please help me now!"
"I'm sorry my dear friend, I can't. For I do not know how."
"But Ray, Its getting dark, please Ray, Its hard to breath."
"I'm sorry my poor child, it's my time to leave."

"Ray, please don't leave me, not here not now, not tonight.
Please Ray don't go, for I can see a light."
She died that day. She's gone. Her life has end.
Moral of the story, don't let Ray, be your best friend!


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  • 18 years ago

    by locky

    Do u have any throw backs
    u are to good
    excellent poem great rhyming as well
    keep up the good work

  • 18 years ago

    by Marcus

    Oh wow that is so amazing..so creative ...wow I liked this one the best

  • 18 years ago

    by aknives sweet kiss

    Awesome poem ur a exellent writer

  • 18 years ago

    by Bret Higgins

    This is almost there. you have a story a moral and you use punctuation and grammar very well.

    I think there are one or two areas you can improve on in terms of flow. Write the poem out by hand then read it out loud twice. This should help identify the areas that feel a little clunky and fixing them will be easy.

    Not bad at all.


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