Lost In Terror

by Jenni   Aug 24, 2006

Hidden beyond the blinding light barrier is where evil rests.
It's where your lies, gluttony, and deception are
It's where your own father lives.
Do you want to go?
Go to the blinding light leads to a world of darkness...?

Because, in the darkness you have no light.
there is nothing that will save you
the demons will come out
and they will steal your soul.
You will have no where to turn to
no one will hear your screams.
And when everything is over
you will be a part of the darkness.
You will be the one who haunts the undead,
the people who were just like you.
No light will save you,
You'll be rendered helpless
and spend an eternity in darkness.

So, do you really want to go beyond that barrier?


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  • Wow, this poem kind of gave me the chills. It's such a good poem. There's absolutely nothing wrong with this one. It had so much feeling in the words you wrote this poem with. Very good job. 5/5


  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    I loved this, I thought it was excellently written.
    The word choice was beautiful and the imagery was breathtaking.
    You did a wonderful job with this.

  • 18 years ago

    by Linds

    I like it...

  • 18 years ago

    by Raychil

    This poem gave me the chills. It had an eerie flow to it. Its a strong poem, very well written.

  • 18 years ago

    by Jemma

    I've never read anything like this before. It's very effective, rather shocking. It makes a firm point. 5/5

    Thanks for your comments.
