Winter's Calling

by myshiningstar14   Aug 24, 2006

**this poem is called a 5 sense poem...enjoy!**

Turquoise ice,
breaking in the light.
The coolness pressed,
in my soul, melting,
becoming one with my

The scent of this
warm moment, like a
wondrous kiss, like a
love so dearly missed.

Black tops made white,
and given a different
sight. It makes everything
pure; like a silent cure.

Now I know for sure.
This is my winter calling.

Like icicles its breath
on mine,
Like a kiss its lips,
imprint me with it's
and like snowflakes
it becomes one with
my mind, consuming
my time.

I loose myself in the
whiteness of its capture,
and in it comes my
endless rapture.

**read this poem carefully, it has many diff. meanings. Thnxs...enjoy. Lissa*


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  • 17 years ago

    by CoLliN

    Two Thumbs Up!!!!!!!!!
    UR AMAZING!!! urself :)