
by **Just Her**   Aug 25, 2006

This feeling welling up inside me
Possibly, the greatest pain of all
It is like the world forgot about you
And all that is left, is nothing you knew

Left with a sort of heartache
That is only experienced through great sorrow
And all I can think about is times gone by
But, like a setting sun, the memories run dry

Behind, I find myself staring at old photos
To rekindle any sort of joy I want to feel
But, when all is said and done
I realize that no matter how hard I imagine, their still gone

A telephone call and visit will not fix goodbye
Distance is a burden for any beholder
You can not stop the inevitable, things will change
And I guess my biggest fear is not having it all the same

So, at a last attempt l will hold myself together
For my sake, but mostly for theirs
So long my friends, I will miss you too often and all the time
I guess we will call this goodbye


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  • 18 years ago

    by *Isolde*

    Great poem. It was so lovely 5/5 keep it up..

  • 18 years ago

    by LadyPearl

    Pretty good, understandable topic. Great. One thing, you can still improve your flow.

  • 18 years ago

    by *Wishes do come true*

    Very nice poem flows good...keep up the good write/
    comment on my poems thanks

  • 18 years ago

    by *Isolde*

    Thats a really nice poem very. it makes me remember back. keep it up.

  • 18 years ago

    by Megann Lee

    Awhe. This reminds me of me so much when I had moved and I left all my friends it was really hard, I like this poem. It was well written and actually made sense. Great Work.