Take a Breath

by RetroRavey   Aug 26, 2006

Take a breath...
Wait it out
and things will be as they should.
Hold your head up high
refuse to cry....
As I refuse to cry.
I want to be happy,
have a heart that can smile,
like I know I used to.
Take a breath.
like you've never inhaled before.
Like this is your very first...
First breath,
First time living,
or loving.

Love life as it is meant to be loved.
Love life as I love you....
And Kiss me like it's your first time...
Your first time loving...
Like I'm your first love.
I am your first love,
and this is your first kiss,
and your first breath...

Take a breath...
Enjoy life like you love it,
like it is almighty,
like it most beautiful...

Take a breath...
Know that I love you,
as you love life.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Poetess Lana

    WOW. that was SOOO awesome!!! i loved it. 5/5 and it was nice to read a poem about life... ive never seen that before from you.

    5/5 again and it wouldnt let me vote...
