Faithful Friend (to Kelsey and Collin!)

by myshiningstar14   Aug 26, 2006


Floating alone,
and setting a
new tone.
Lonely hearts,
welded together;
oh it's you I

Glowing heart
with silver lining,
like the moon that
whispers, "This is
true." I know that
though the weather
comes and goes,
there's nothing
better, we'll be
friends forever.

You're like a
shining star;
taking me
places so far,
that in you, I've
found a faithful

here we stand.
Smiles, and
glistening tears.
We've been to
hell and back
again, come on
this isn't the end.

Though we can't
be there for one
another physically,
realistically, your
a faithful friend;
such a God-send.

The sky screams
with streams of
bright colors,
hovering in the
midst of these
souls. In this, I
know, I'm so
thankful. In you
I've found, a
hidden sound,
you make me
get my feet off
the ground.

You comfort me
when I'm weak,
you take my hand,
in a way so meek.
Your friendship,
I seek.

You mend my soul,
so here is where I
hold you. You're
always there, even
though life's not fair,
still you care.

You're like a
shining star,
taking me places
so far, that in
you, I've found
a faithful friend.

**TO KELSEY and COLLIN ...your like my family and I love you guys so much. your so amazing and I want to thnk you for everything you've done for me. Hope you know how much I care, because even this poem does not begin to describe!!


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  • 15 years ago

    by CoLliN

    Hey, its been a while.. was just reading your poem over again :)
    thanks... you should holla at me sometime
    don't know if you still use MSN ... takecare of urself
    hope to talk to you soon

  • 17 years ago

    by dorky goth girl

    Omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i loved it! u made me cry! nd ur like my sister i love u sooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by CoLliN

    I Love it

  • 17 years ago

    by Tripp

    You put so much emotion into all of your poems...I liked the rhyme scheme on this one. I don't know why, but I did. The lines were shorter, but you got so much across in such a small space. and you had great imagery too...your friends are lucky to have you, don't forget that