Ocean Love

by myshiningstar14   Aug 26, 2006

**This poem is called a 4 senses poem, in this poem I decided to describe a way of life, without the use of being able to see.This poem isn't really about the ocean, so see if you can figure out what i was getting at, there's more htan one answer.enjoy. **

The soft airy ocean
water, gropes my
nose; it's tongue
lapping against me.
It's dangerous,
Here's where it defines,
draws the line.

Taking a heap
of death, I allow
it to take me.
The nippy cold
sensation, of the
frozen water numbs
my soul, clawing
at me. I've become
so lost, hopeless I
am, lonely am I.

Just a taste of the
water knocks me
cold. My skin turns
to wrinkled prunes,
my heart bitterly
weighed down.

My eyes become
like glass, stilled
in time. As I struggle
for what I might
never know, a
swelling cascade
eats me and deposits
me on shore.




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  • 17 years ago

    by CoLliN

    OK its a beautiful poem...
    well the first thing i got from it is that ur probably at the ocean...well every sense i feel is it all has something to do with water...whether at one point your in the ocean...or..pool...then i see something as if your in your own bath tub... but i think i'm wrong
    Nice Poem

  • 17 years ago

    by The Black Stallion

    Very nice i like the flow of this peom it's just right sounds like a place i'd wanna hangout

  • 17 years ago

    by XxSilentScreamXx

    Great job. I really like it. Keep it up.

  • 17 years ago

    by dorky goth girl

    I likey this one!!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Corruption

    I love this poem it is so different from wat i am use to reading and i lied the change. i also lied the way u desribed everything though i think that is the point of it:D i really liked it
