Is this the thing we call life?

by *fallen* *angel*   Aug 26, 2006

People who are fake and you feel like you can't take it no more? this life seems crappy and you just cant take it, everyones left you, theres no one to save you now, you've had your heart broken one too many times and you must have gone through a dozen friends and they've all stabbed you in the back?
Are these the things we call life?

people who stab you in the back to get what they want! greediness i call it! they can't stand seeing someone who has something that they want, so what do they do? they become your friend then they go for the thing that they want! from your best friend to your boyfriend! so they stab you in the back and claim the person or thing that they wanted and then ditch you! its pure jealousy!
Is this the thing we call life?

what about role-models? all these skinny celebrities strolling up and down the cat walk in size 4 & 6 clothes! and magazines calling celebrities fat when they're curvy! all the girl reading the magazine who are curvy are then thinking they must be fat because they're curvy! so then what does that lead to? bulimia...anorexic...death! and bully's calling girls fat when the have no fat on them! that word spinning around and around in their mind until they believe its true! and they start hating themselves for it!
Is this the thing we call life?

how come bad things happen to good people? and the bad people who deserve as much hurt as possible get lucky! the terrorists who hijack planes! what do they get out of that? death? they die but there also killing innocent people, what about their family and friends!? people would rather blow something up killing themselves and other people for what? what do they get out of it? nothing! they can't get anything out of it! what do they want to do? start a war?
is this the thing we call life?!

and friends! what would we do without them? friends come and go but theres always going to be that one person who will never leave your side, the person who you can trust with your whole life!
their the people who you turn to when life gets too much to handle on your own
yeah some friends may stab you in the back but its better to no sooner than later that they were never going to be there for you no matter what!

Family, yeah they can sometimes suck! but there the people who raised you, fed and clothed you! but a roof over you're head! yeah they shout at you a lot telling you to get your ass up! but they're just trying to do whats best for you! they don't want to see you sleeping on the streets when you move out! and you no you love them! theres no point in denying it because you know its true, you'd do anything for them and they'd do anything for you!

and love, were all going to have our hearts broken at some point in our lives, for some people more times than others, but don't let it bring you down! there's someone out there for everyone, and just because you haven't found them yet, doesn't mean they don't exist! they'll come along one day. so don't dwell on the past, you can't change it, but you can change your future! don't lock yourself away when you get dumped, get back out there! have some fun! yeah all you want to do is lay down and cry but you can't stay like that forever, crying will make you feel better, but it won't change what happened!

So forget about the people who are jealous of you or hate you! don't change just for them! remember you family and true friends love you for who you are! don't listen to the magazines or people calling you fat! no matter how hard it is! you have to believe in yourself! don't ever let one silly comment hurt you remember you're stronger than that! you may feel like you have no friends but someone will come along! some one who will never leave your side! someone you an trust with your life! so let's live for the present, forget about the past! eat as much as you want! remember beauty is on the inside! and only the people who care enough to take the time to see that beauty will see the real you and love you for you not for who you want to be! yeah theres a lot of pretty girls out there but like i said theres someone out there for everyone and someone will love you for you! don't ever feel like your not pretty or thin enough because only the decent people will love you for whats on the inside, not the outside!
let's learn to forgive those who hurt us emotionally! and when something bad happens look on the bright side! don't think negative it will make the situation feel twice as bad! and you'll feel even worse!
Let's sing as loud as possible! even if you can't sing and let's dance and act silly and random! who cares if people think you're weird! as long as your having fun! thats what life's about right? having fun?

rate me and tell me what you think thanks xx


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