
by Midnight Sun   Aug 27, 2006

I don't know what I want
I don't know what I need
I wouldn't tell you if I did
Cause I keep these things to me

I hide in my room
I cry in the dark
I dream the journey
On which I'll never embark

I wanna forget my problems
I want the rain to wash them away
I want to run to the desert
Instead of drowning in this liquid pain

I wanna hear music in sorrow
I wanna hear laughter in tears
I want purity to overwhelm the hurt
That's been building up inside of me for years.

I allow my pen to leak the anger overflowing
I shut my eyes to the hurt
I keep my emotions separate
But occasionally they mingle and flirt

I don't show my feelings
I hide them away
I cry while alone
I dream everyday
I want more
I allow less
I shut out shimmers of light
And keep the hollows of darkness


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  • 17 years ago

    by SpEcIaLmE

    OMG that was soooo good, im so adding it to my favs
    i know its a personal poem but i can relate to it as well
    it showed great emotion and was very sad i luv the word choice u used it was excellent

  • 17 years ago

    by HidinVictim

    This is AMAZING theres nothing else i can say, this really hit home for me, im almost crying!!

  • 17 years ago

    by MizzCici

    Wow i really loved diz poem it was rea good and i feel da same...u did a good job...keep it up!!!check my poems out sumtime and comment for me.......

  • 17 years ago

    by Broken Ballerina

    Hey, I loved this poem so much feeling in it. Great work.5/5

    Love u, take care.


  • 18 years ago

    by TheWorldFellNUWerentThere

    Lol. Never mind the last one was a love poem n i cant do them. Well just to tell you this poem IS my FAVORITE!! And you made it on my favorites~