Comments : I...

  • 18 years ago

    by Colossus

    Very good :)
    i liked it

  • 18 years ago

    by Rae

    This is very good.

  • 18 years ago

    by *Charisma*

    Great poem...probably one of my favs from you. keep it up!

  • 18 years ago

    by SilenceBreaksTheHeart

    Oh wow...that was really beautiful I can really relate to this one...I feel this way all the time..more times then not actually. I find it really helps to write it down but sometimes I can't ecpress it expressed everything I would like to in this one write. You have amazing talent...I wish I had written this one. lol
    Thank you so much for all the comments...I love when a talented writer likes my work. I really appreciate it.
    5.5 for sure.

  • 18 years ago

    by Stephaney

    Thanx for the comment.
    your writing its beautiful..
    i love the part where it says your emotions mingle and flirt..
    your awesomeee.

  • 18 years ago

    by Hannah Emellia

    Very good poem. Nice flow. =)

    Thanks for the comment.


  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    I loved this.
    I thought the rhyme scheme and wording were fantastic.
    The flow was very good.
    An excellent job.

  • 18 years ago

    by Elizabeth

    This is a very heart-felt poem! I can see were you are getting at, I am the same way; I can relate. I choose to express myself, or am better at it, when in visual words because it seems to be easier for people to understand, not surprising considering no one really takes the time to read between the lines themselves but rather have somebody tell them. Your poem really hits home! Haha my favorite part, I suppose, was "...I keep my emotions separate... But occasionally they mingle & flirt." The whole poem, in general, is breath taking! I love it!

  • 18 years ago

    by Hannah

    Nice poem, I really liked it.
    I hope it's not true though.
    Thanks for the comment on my poem btw.
    But anyway, yes this poem was really good, I liked the way you rhymed it and made great comparisons.

  • 18 years ago

    by TheWorldFellNUWerentThere

    I think this one spoke to me the best. But I got one more poem to read. I really loved this poem alot. Spoke to me like I'm in it! 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by TheWorldFellNUWerentThere

    Lol. Never mind the last one was a love poem n i cant do them. Well just to tell you this poem IS my FAVORITE!! And you made it on my favorites~

  • 17 years ago

    by Broken Ballerina

    Hey, I loved this poem so much feeling in it. Great work.5/5

    Love u, take care.


  • 17 years ago

    by MizzCici

    Wow i really loved diz poem it was rea good and i feel da same...u did a good job...keep it up!!!check my poems out sumtime and comment for me.......

  • 17 years ago

    by HidinVictim

    This is AMAZING theres nothing else i can say, this really hit home for me, im almost crying!!

  • 17 years ago

    by SpEcIaLmE

    OMG that was soooo good, im so adding it to my favs
    i know its a personal poem but i can relate to it as well
    it showed great emotion and was very sad i luv the word choice u used it was excellent