Another day goes by
And I see them cry
Everything fits the mold
Of a lost world gone cold
I watch their slow walk
Or tortured stalk
Pain etched in a smile
Life not worth their while
How can I keep silent?
Or hold on defiant
When with each day
The price they pay
How can I remain quiet?
Ignore the silent riot
Watch them all slide
Their hope subside
Their eyes plead
Missing what they need
Salvation and peace
Love that will never cease
They look so normal
No hint of turmoil
Just the mutual silence
Of an unknown alliance
So even if I help one
Come to know my sun
My Beloved king
So I will sing
"For Zion's (Australia's) sake I will not keep silent,
For Jerusalem's (Brisbane's) sake I will not remain quiet,
Till her righteousness shines out like the dawn,
Her salvation like a blazing torch."
(Isaiah 62:1)