Forgettern about me.

by chelsea   Aug 27, 2006

Im just fine without you,
In your eyes im strong,
But inside i need you,
Your eyes, they see wrong

The best day of my life
I spent all day with you
The day before i left
You said "i love you too"

But i went on vacation
A thousand miles away
Only for a cuple of weeks
your love for me went astray

I was out of site
For just a little while
You just forgot about me
And completely changed your styal

You were my world
And i was yours
We were insepperable
But you closed your doors

When i was gone
You found someone new
Leaving me
Forced to make do.

You replaced me
Like it was nothing
You forget me
Like I was never something

I told you i hate you
And lord knoews i tried
But what you dont know
Is each night i cried

I cried for houres
I criend for days
I cried for our love
That went sepperate ways

it hurts you forgot me
it hurts you dont care
it hurts your not sorry
it hurts your unfair

and hear i sit
and cry and cry
2 monthers later
my tears just wont dry
my weakness is greater
i need you by my side
praying with everything
this isn't goodbye.



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  • 18 years ago

    by [[F3RG!3]]

    Another 5 from me. i liked the emotion in this poem. you can feel the hurt. and thats the sign of a good poem