
by Jordi   Aug 28, 2006


Whenever i think of her, i think of things i want
to say her and the things i want to do with her.
I just want to tell her how i feel, and take
her in my arms forever.

But whenever i'm with her,i don't know what to say,
and i don't know how to act. The only thing i can do,
is look deep into her eyes and smile. And when she smiles
back i die a little bit on the inside, because i know,
i'm to shy to make her mine.

So the only thing i'm good at, is just sitting here, and
watching her, knowing that she's gonna be happy without me.
That i won't be the one to make her smile, and wipes her
tears when she's sad. If i only got the courage to tell
her how i feel, maybe things would be different.

Now i'm slowly dying on the inside, day by day.....

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