by Kristina
Wow this is amazing. i defiantly like this a lot. wow you are a great writer. i dont see anything wrong with it. it was just wonderful. keep writing. 5/5 |
by Goran Rahim
Another great write, I really dont know what to say beside that I wish I could write like you, very lovely written 5/5 |
by Lovely Bones
Very nice write. Grammar and spelling articulate. Descriptions very fanciful and poetic. Flow beautiful. Goran said ti plain enough when he said "I wiah i could write like you". Very true! |
To me, the rhyming was a bit rocky ((but only a bit!))...Other than that, like always, I loved it. Your poems have such great detail, it's amazing. Good job. |
by Jacob Perry
This is an interesting peice and i liek it alot. i think few will understand what it is saying but all the same it is good. from the symbolism and imagery to the rhyme sceme to the structure to your diction all of it is excellent. a high quality poem :) 5/5 |
Excellent poem. The rhyming was great and it rhymed really well. It's so sad, deep and powerful. |
by Kalene
*rates it 5/5* I liked it a LOT! |
by Robie Lincer
Your poems are amazing! wow donno what to say!!! wow i love it!!! |
by Vanessa Lea
You are really a fantastic writer. I love this poem so much and after reading some of your others.... |