I've finally let you go
I'm free and finally know
You weren't right for me
and we weren't meant to be
You're choices started to turn bad
and I was always left feeling depressed and sad
It hurt when I decided to say goodbye
but I was tired of living a lie
I'm over you and I'm better off without you
who knows what your actions could've caused me to do
I'm ready to meet someone who will treat me right
and not tell me lies to keep me out of sight
I don't regret being with you
however I wish you could've been true
It'll take me awhile to trust again because of you
but I know I'll make it through
I feel bad for you though because you're ruining your life by doing the stupid things you do
Hopefully eventually you'll realize it too
I wish you well
but it's time to say goodbye forever, Farewell