A Good Deed Fixes No Broken Heart

by Sheldon   Aug 30, 2006

I once did love you
But that was a long time ago
You were nice, kind and sweet
Just the qualities I was looking for
But then it all began to crumble
And all over a stupid verse
You have hurt me, dear
And from that there is no turning back
There is no returning
From whence you abandoned me
I can feel my heart beat
Harder than it has ever done before
I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes
I can feel them slowly succeed
In rolling down my cheeks
Such are the emotions
That I never once thought I would feel
These are the emotions
That I now feel all too well.
You complain about me
And about what I do
Yet, I cannot see why
You act so selfishly
I once had made a great friend
Now, however, I do not know
Your bitter words do sting me
And I am left standing in the dark
Can you not see that there was nothing?
Nothing going on between her and me
I thought you loved me, I thought you cared
Yet, why do you hurt me so?
This is not what love is all about
I never thought the day would come
When I would have to say this –
Our relationship is on the rocks
And there is nothing you can do
Tonight I did something
That I may yet come to regret
I left you for the first time in my life
I left a person I cared for deeply and emotionally
The time has come when I must leave
It is best for us both
I can no longer bear to see you hurt
However, I do not know how I did it
Not all hope is lost – we can still be friends
Patience and experience need
To be established for this to
Ever work, farewell I am moving on
But I will still stand by you
When you are down
I am not that cruel and heartless
Though my heart and mind tell otherwise
I will watch over you
To keep you out of harm
Farewell and goodbye, my very hands shake
As I write, these words and pray
I pray that you will not do anything stupid
I pray that I have taught you
As best, I could
I pray for you
Goodnight and farewell, may we meet someday?


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