A Hypocritical World

by Sheldon   Aug 30, 2006

We live in a land of hypocrisy
Where right is wrong and wrong is right
Where you are expected to obey
And yet at the same time, those
That set the lore of the land
Break that lore all the time
How am I supposed to practice my religion?
When I am shunted from it?
How am I supposed to believe in my own faith?
When you cannot even believe in yours?
You expect great things from me
Things I am not capable of achieving
I wish I could please you
I really do, but how can I?
How can I please you, if I cannot even please me?
This Faith works both ways
However, it rests not with you
But with the target of all your abuse
With your very own kin
Have you any thought?
As to how this is affecting me?
Have you no regard for my own personal
Journey, a journey I must make on my own…
I do not need you, I never have
And I hope I never will
For what could be worse than to
Have a law bound mentor
To aid me through my troubles
You do not even know how I feel
So do not think you can help
For only those I trust
Can help me now
I place all my Faith
In the one, I love most
And I know she will always be there
For me no matter what happens
I can always count on my beloved
I will believe in my own lores
And not those you impress upon me
I am my own man; I am mine
And I will remain forever a person of this world…


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  • 18 years ago

    by Rhiannon

    It's hard to look into other people, but even harder to look inside of yourself. This was a beautiful poem, and I will carry it with me today. Thank you for sharing.