Global Dreaming

by Sheldon   Aug 30, 2006

The smell of incense
Reaches my senses
It lifts me higher and higher
On my journey of life -
The sweet fragrances of
Sandalwood, thyme, patchouli
Come together to form one truly
To create a truly magickal experience
Enlightening me, sending me back
To the time of their origins
Now more scents come to me
Spices such as never been seen outside
Their revered cultures
Oriental spices too numerous to name
Suddenly I open my eyes and I
Can see, but it is not the darkened room
In which I first was
The magick flows through my
Veins as I look out upon a vast
City bustling with merchants
From all around the world
Selling their wares, promoting their countries
The exoticness of India is immortalized
In carefully handcrafted sculptures
And fresh picked sage and curries.
North Africa display their wares
With pride and pleasure
The wise Shaman presents a variation
Of magickal herbs and spices
And divination tools only for the learned
Suddenly I feel a tug and I know
It is time for me to return to my
Physical being - back to where I came from
And as I stir from my slumber
I imagine what it is like
To travel abroad as I have just done
I think of all the wonders of the world
Those are not listed in an atlas
All the scents, traditions and enticement
Of the tribes of all the world...


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  • 18 years ago

    by blissfulbearje

    That was really good! i like it, it was original xoxo