Ode to My Friends

by Sheldon   Aug 30, 2006

Thinking of all the good times I've had
Surviving through the good and the bad
I think of what makes it worth.
It is not the sorrow, but the mirth
All the support I have been giv'n
That makes it all worthwhile liv'n.
Times may be hard and tough to bear
But I know you are always there
You have helped me become who I am now
I stand now tall and strong and proud
You have helped me when I felt I was zero
You've helped me become this fantastic hero
And I would like to tell you just how much
You have helped me feel the happiest man alive as such
Yet, words cannot express my gratitude to you
Out of all the people in the world - you are the only few
That has made me feel this way
In what you do and what you say
Thank you for being there, always for me
You unlocked that door with your magick key
And as I go to sleep this night
As these words I slowly write
I think of just who you are
You are the best friends I have had by far
Thank you for all your help and support
I now look for years to come, as now I report.
You are my friends, you are my loved ones
You are my life and you are my suns
Thank you, again
We will always remain, the best of friends


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