The Essentials of Support

by Sheldon   Aug 30, 2006

Support... I have none
Hope... all but diminished
Motivation... destroyed
Why? Because I’m not good enough
Or at least that's what others think of me
Others in this family, but not without
At least I have friends in whom I can trust
Friends that I know will always be there for me
But even they are not enough
To stave off these feelings
Those do so threaten to consume me
Feelings of hate, despair, anger and
Worst of all these feelings
Is a lack of self-love, I can do
This, I know I can, but then why
Can’t I feel it within myself?
I hate you, but it never used to be so
You were my father, but not anymore
I used to revere you, but then
You left, I did not know why
Was it because of me?
Was it because of mum? Or was it my newborn sister?
Whatever the reason it does not matter
I was hurt the day you left me
And I never wanted to be hurt again
Alas such hopes were never meant to last
Alas, I have been hurt again, but this time,
I will not give in, I will not conform
To your ideal ways of life
Did not you notice that through
All of these hard times that there
Is a glimmer of hope that you have not succeeded
In destroying, a hope that is beyond your power
To destroy, my shining star
In the nighttime sky, the warmth
Of my sun during the day
The holder of my heart forever and a day
The one I love, is mine and not yours
And I know that we will always be
Together no matter what happens.
I will not fail; I will prosper
We are going to be together
For all eternity, that's a long time
You'll be lucky if I invite you
To our most ceremonious occasion
I love her but I do not love you
Nothing will ever change that
Nothing. Never again will you hurt another
I will personally make sure of that
I have been down that road, so
I now know what it feels like
Be it known that on this day
I do pledge this oath
To help others in their struggles
No matter the cost
I will succeed and nothing can convince me otherwise


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  • 17 years ago

    by Gasttlee

    This is very appealing in many good ways. Keep at it.