There is No Salvation

by Sheldon   Aug 30, 2006

You have hurt me
There is no going back
Who could survive
This deadly attack?

I once had faith in you
But now it is no more
I wish I could regret it
As I now walk out the door

You need to understand
What life is like for me
Never having a father
I could love, don't you see?

You have ruined things
In a once perfect life
I can no longer live
With you and your new wife

What's the matter?
Don't you love me anymore?
Why do you have to
Turn everything into a destructive war?

I loved you "dad"
But now I see
Our life together
Was never meant to be

I used to have friends
But now, I don't know
After what happened
They're most likely my foes

Can't you see what
Your words have done?
They have messed with a mind
That now reaches for a gun

I have seen many people
Get hurt by loved ones
Am I the next person
To fly away from the sun?

I wish I knew the answers
To these questions that plague me
I wish I could just say
This life was not meant to be

But I can't an I know it
You've destroyed all love there was
You've nearly destroyed everything
What is there left to lose?

Again with the questions
So impossible to answer
Just leave me alone
I don't want anymore

I want to be alone...


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  • 18 years ago

    by Bitt3rSw33t

    Sad situation but put very well in words...

  • 18 years ago

    by Jax x lyn

    Very good! *claps* You have alot of talent! I liked your poem alot! Keep writing; I'll read them all! :)