What Have You Done?

by Sheldon   Aug 30, 2006

Whatever happened to the peace I once had?
Whatever happened to my dear old 'Dad'?
What did happen to the times of fun?
What really happened to the love I had once?
Where did I go wrong?
Whatever changed me into this song?
These are the questions I ask
Of myself as I complete this laborious task
As the daemons of Hell
Do come forth to tell
Me I am going to fail - I will never win
Creating a vortex of darkness, they suck me in
Now I am drowned in a pool of self-pity
Made worse by this move to the city
Now I immerse myself in my feelings of woe
Feelings that are old, hurt again - oh sorry, didn't you know?
Didn't you know how much you hurt me?
When you stopped loving mum, when you left me to be
When you told us to go, just pack up and leave
That sword you wielded, right before me it cleaved
Don't you know I don't like all this hate?
That floweth through me, through this pen on this page
I like to be calm, to be happy, not sad
Oh why, "dad", you bastard, do you make me feel bad?
Why must you hurt me with thoughtless words
You never helped me, not even taught me about the bees and the birds
I hate my own father, yes that is you
Yet there is something you should know, something that is true
I also hate me because of what you say
Why don't you just leave me, just go away
I never want to see you, or hear you ever again
You've done enough damage, I will not stay enclosed in this pen
I will escape, I will break free
So that I can be free to be me...


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