With the Sun in My Eyes

by Sheldon   Aug 30, 2006

All my life I have lived
With the sun always
Always in my eyes
It hath blinded me so
Preventing me from seeing
What is right and what
Is wrong; what is good
And that which is not
Now for the first time
In my life, I am no longer
Blinded, now that this shroud
Hath finally been raised
And the bonds of constraint
Removed, I am free at long
Last from the hold of
Society's wrath and now I see clearly
I have finally found true love
I now experience a deeper
Emotion such as thee;
Such are the likes of these
Feelings that no one word
Known to man can describe
Its wondrous feel
None can describe the
True beauty of the touch
Of your hand or the feel of
Your heart as it beats
A musical symphony under
Thy fair, fair visage
Your soft and tender words
Do touch my very soul –
You have lifted me up
Further than e'er I have been before
I love thee and it is this love
That brings us closer together
Then e'er I thought possible
And for this, I thank thee
From the bottom of thy heart
Which, you have captured
And hold close to your own
Even with the sun in my eyes
I can still see, and what I see
Is nothing short of
True beauty


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