You Just Don't Know (Lil Girl's Life) Part II

by Danielle   Mar 9, 2004

You Just Dont Know (Lil Girls Life) Part II

I've finally made my decision
On this cold and lonely night
I can't leave you there
You can't go down without a fight

I know what's been going on
But you haven't came my way
To tell me to get you out
To help you fly away

I told my mom baby girl
And Your letters were put to show
Tears streamed down her face
She's sorry she didn't know

I know you asked me not to tell
This I know is all true
But I just want to protect
I care so much about you

I cant stand to see the bruises
Upon your beautiful face
I cant stand to see you cry
Praying for a better place

I cant stand to see the pain
Hidden in those hazel eyes
I cant stand to sit and watch
Your life fade and die

I cant stand to hear you tell
About your daddy's abuse
I'm scared I'll wake up one day
And see your face on the news

Don't you get it baby girl?
You're in so much danger
You don't deserve this s h i t
The sorrow and the anger

When I heard you on the phone
Your tears broke my heart
Your Daddy comes home soon
And he'll tear you apart

Raping you when he comes
He promised he would before
That he was coming back
And leave you dead to the floor

My phone rings again
And your voice comes to mind
Your shrieking and screaming for help
With so much fear locked inside

I hear your mommys voice
Screaming in the back round
Yelling awful things to you
As she pushes you to the ground

I hear you shouting Stop
My knees fall to the floor
I hear glass shatter
Shes killing you more and more

I can just picture you
Lying there helpless and alone
But I know you can overcome
Just pick up the phone

I need to hear your voice
Im getting frantic now
What is going on?
Am I too late some how?

Youre scared for your life
This I know is true
But I'm coming baby girl
I'm going to save you

3 more parts...


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Latest Comments

  • 20 years ago

    by Bryce Ellner

    This story is very good, I can't quit reading it, so I'm off to read the next part~


  • 20 years ago

    by Unseen Exposure

    So detailed... So good!

    (on to part three.)

  • 20 years ago

    by ~:.GodeSsOfTemPtati0n.:~

    wow brilliant... btw, ima head out ... i wanna know whats next... ciao

  • 20 years ago

    by LiL One

    This one is really good 2, I dont even know what to say

  • 20 years ago

    by RicaLo

    That was a great poem! It kept me on edge; i dont know whats gonna happen next so im gonna read the rest of the story.

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