My Love is Raw

by Rowena Linley   Aug 31, 2006

My love is so raw

My heart is starting to thaw

Covered in ice

After the pain that happened thrice

In my heart I knew

There will be no other but you

The old love in my life

Was like a knife

But my heart is starting to mend

With the love you send

This love was fast

And it will last

It will last

Because the pain is in the past

My love is so raw

My heart is starting to thaw


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  • 13 years ago

    by CoLliN

    The poem puts me in a state of life happening... i can almost feel a sadness in you that's finally dying... slowly giving way to a happy future for u :)
    loved the poem
    keep em coming

  • 15 years ago

    by Jay Perry Jr

    You did very good on this poem. I like it 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Andrew

    Nice piece, i like the rhyming scheme and how well your poem flows. Keep up

  • 16 years ago

    by Brad Quammen

    I really like this poem. The way you flow with your words is well written. I enjoyed the first half of this poem most because of the uniqueness I sensed. A great job indeed. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by BlAcK ShAdOw