No More Daddy

by Alec   Sep 1, 2006

It was an ordinary day
I woke up an ordinary way

I go down stairs to get something to eat
I hear that I am not the only one on their feet

I hear a voice and turn around
I see my mom looking at the ground

She says there is something she has to say
"Daddy has gone away"

"just for the weekend right mom?"
But right now she is dumb

She looks at me with a tear in her eye
"And you didn't even get to say goodbye..."


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  • My Dad died last year. April 26th, 2006, on his birthday.
    This hit me, pretty hard.
    Great poem 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Mackenzie

    That is so sad.

  • 18 years ago

    by wild angel

    Hey thats very good.. kinda depressing but good lol keep it up

  • 18 years ago

    by Alec

    FYI basically only my love poems are true. My dad is fireman and army man "Daddy", but he is still alive and at home with me and my family "No More Daddy"

  • I liked it, sad but good. 5/5 keep it up