Man of the Shadows

by Jemma   Sep 1, 2006

Dearest shadows
You follow my steps
Unseen protector
My sole defender
Tracing my trails
Over distant lands
Following my lonely heart
Notice I have no set path
I walk only to wander
Unrestrained in the nights
Dearest of footsteps
The creak on the stairs
Is it a fool's hope I search for you there?
And somehow I know you are
You are my shadow man
Perhaps but a ghost or my own delusion
It does not matter
You are here
And though I can't see you
Know that I can feel you
Your breath is the essence of air
Just a little less than silent
A nothingness that has crept into my heart
Dearest of shadows
You've followed me so far
Unseen but always by my side
Shall you not step from your cover?
To stand and hold my hand
It is time you took the lead
And time for me to follow

**ok well i guess i didn't know where to place this. it's in new love but well it's not really but it seemed the best fit.**


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  • 18 years ago

    by TILLmyLASTtearFALLS

    Aww, i really liked your poem! It was just different! I also think this should be the best section to place your poem, so its fine!
    Anyway,great work and keep it up!
    Best wishes,