Always Me

by Natalie   Sep 3, 2006

Its always me,
The one who can't choose
With me its like the flavour of the month.
Except itâ??ll be the flavour of the day.
You, him, you, that random over there - WHO KNOWS?
But with you it was different...
You made me grow up
You made me realrealizet it was you I wanted
I HAD to grow up. For your sake.
I wanted to prove that I was capable
Capable of being in it for the long haul
I wanted to show you, the public and me that I could do it.
Everyone said I couldn't do it
That my heart wasn't in it
Well I proved them wrong.
I wanted it to work
I wanted you so bad.
I know it started early...maybe a little too early
Within 3 days of meeting you, we were together.
Under the stars we laid...just looking at the stars
Uninterrupted we lay there just being happy to be together
They all laughed... said it was just another fling
How wrong did we prove them?
A quarter of the year was spent with you
The longest ever. But also the greatest.
I measured up to the challenge and I won
Only to think...what would have happened if we had stayed


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