A Crappy Love Poem

by Corey   Sep 3, 2006

Pictures replay upon the screen
To tell their stories true
To find the lost and bring them back
With an angel's lovely hue

Who should sit and gaze upon
The beauty that she holds?
When everyone is worthless
The hand of love must fold

But watch those who travel along
This longing, gripping path
To hope to find the one they need
To save them from pain's wrath

What sorrow can this feeling bring!
What power does it hold!
To make a mortal fall from line
And depart from what he's told

And should they fail to find it
Or lose track upon the way
A piece of life is taken
And thrown to what is nay

But hope strives to carry us on
Through shadows that won't leave
And protect what we cherish most
Before men's hearts began to grieve

But the road is only the first
Of a battle that never ends
When dreaded words are sure to come
"I think we should just be friends"

Or maybe you have called
And that call was not returned
And now you sit alone
Your heart does feel burned

But if love you feel then love it is
And never should you submit
For only those with heads held high
Shall keep the candle lit

But often love is blind
And mistaken for what's wrong
The fear of losing what you have
The fear of days so long

The fear of taking a step
After what we had is gone
The fear of old dance steps
That will haunt us every dawn

But love is not holding on
Nor is it keeping her near
It is the art of letting go
That tells her she is dear


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  • 17 years ago

    by Kaila

    I really am loving your poems so far
    your very talented and this poem is amazing as well
    i loved the second stanza
    im adding you to my faves yay

  • 18 years ago

    by mistressxsork

    Well, well. You like to reference yourself, no? It's very good insight to do such a thing. Love, lust, infatuation. You know what they all have in common? They're feelings. No one seems to get that. They think love is allmighty, all powerful. Love outbeats EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. It's just an emotion.. kayyy? Lol. Sorry. I get carried away. Good debates, yes. Anyway, a lovely job. 4.8/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Jin

    "But often love is blind
    And mistaken for what's wrong
    The fear of losing what you have
    The fear of days so long"

    "But love is not holding on
    Nor is it keeping her near
    It is the art of letting go
    That tells her she is dear "

    Those two were my favorite stanzas. This is a very great poem with good rhymn and flow. I can relate well with those two stanzas the most. Great work! I will read your other poetry since I enjoyed this one very much! =)

  • 18 years ago

    by twisted reality

    Aww! It's not crappy! It's good! Lol. I really liked it.

    Before men's hearts began to [greave]
    Correction: grieve as in: to feel grief or great sorrow, and not an armour plate in between the knee and the ankle. >.<

    [Your heart does feel burned]
    Suggestion: Your heart feels so burned--I think it sounds better, but take it or leave it.

    [Shall keep the candle always lit]
    Suggestion: Shall keep the candle lit. Extra words aren't needed in shorter lined poems. =)

    Other than that, I liked it lol. It had loads of emotion that lots of people can relate to. Great job! =) 5/5 xoxo
