Eternal Sleep

by A New Beginning   Sep 3, 2006

She cries so loudly
Screaming for her life
She hates everything
But just can't drop the knife
No one helps her
She's left alone and scared
Would her life be much different
If anyone actually cared
So alone she screams
Cutting so deep
But no one saves her
As she reaches her eternal sleep


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  • 18 years ago

    by elvenfire

    Nice poem here, very concise.. dark as well.

  • 18 years ago

    by Anthony Newsome

    This is a good poem, but...we really need to liven you up a bit muh friend. You're sounding alot like I do at times when I'm down...except you've got more organization with your thoughts. Lol.

  • 18 years ago

    by tom

    Short sharp and too the point i like it, good job!
    keep up the good work!!
    tom xx
    ps i willtalk toy ou bout my probs if you want but its a long list