Comments : We just can't be...i'm sooooo sorry

  • 18 years ago

    by Raychil

    I'm sure this was difficult to write...its hard when you don't want to hurt someone, but you have no choice. I'm sure he'll understand. Your poem was beautiful, keep writing. 5/5.

  • 18 years ago

    by Chris

    Wow! have been hard to right, i hope he reads it. Maybe you should have stayed friends but then you would have always wondered, what could have been... maybe this experience will help you out in the end, or maybe it screwed you up for good... but time will only tell. I know how you feel, but the weirdness gets less and less every time you glance across the room for a second too long, then quickly look away before it gets too weird...
    sorry for blabing on like this, goodluck with your guy friend(if he still is your friend)... anyways... peace out...


    --PS. Sorry I made it worse, that was the last thing i wanted to do...

  • 18 years ago

    by Deana

    If you know its not working out its time to end it ,as gently as you can but the last thing you need is more stress in your life. stay strong! You both will move on ,such is life.

  • 18 years ago

    by tAsTeSlIkEsKiTtLeZ

    You are really good i mean really good. AWW shiit that remids me abot Luke. :( ut anyways keep it real

    (not that this aint real just an expression)

    -ten year old poet-Devin