
by myshiningstar14   Sep 5, 2006

Growing am I,
so hurt,
I'm numb to you.

Tiny hands,
tiny feet,
yet I practically
fended for
myself;f on the

You gave up,
with-out a care;
now I'm left with a
painful stare----a
stare so deafening,
that it's high pitched
tears don't terrify

The wounds fester and
are loathsome, this
memory engraving
itself, like a silent hunger.

Rock-a-bye-baby that's how
it goes.
Rock-a-bye-baby, this is what
you've shown.
Rock-a-bye-baby, here I go.
Rock-a-bye-baby, I wish I'd
never known.

Grown am I,
so stabbed
with pain, still
there's stains.

Left to cry,
left to die.
So many thousand
sighs, and numerous
lies. Your voice peels,
at the lining of me;
come on I just want
to be free.

The thought of your
lives with me. The
fear of being treated
like that, haunts me,
like the ghost of your
face that dances, on my
face, making traces
inside this world of mine.

Rock-a-bye-baby, I've
fallen and I can't get up.
Rock-a-bye-baby, it's so hard
to grow up.
Rock-a-bye-baby I can't give
Rock-a-bye-baby, we all fall
Rock-a-bye-baby, forever
burns the parching words,
which for a moment are
given life.

**ok so I'm trying to expand my genera..this is about me and my past about my mom giving up on me and leaving me to fend for myself as a baby. I also saw them fighting she still to this day i have trouble trusting yea...hope you take my heart seriously, this also was hard to write about.**



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  • 17 years ago

    by Corruption

    This is great i love it and im sorry that this happened to u im gonna read more and dont forget u r awesome at this stuff:D


  • 17 years ago

    by LoreNz0

    I like how u used the features of baby to say how u feel

  • 17 years ago

    by stargirl49

    Awesome, lissa!! we share the same feelings almost. i never saw my birth parents fight, but i know from the records that they did.
    keep up the awesome work, hun!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Milton

    I really liked it. I can see the fear you could feel when being abaondoned like that. Being by yourself and vulnerable. I'm glad you don't feel so lonly anymore. You're a great writier. really. =P Good stuff. :)